I was invited to speak at the International symposium.

Speaker at the symposium of 8th Beijing International Art Biennale 2019

Speaking at the Beijing International Art Biennale symposium
I submitted my proposal a few months ago and was delighted that I had the chance to speak at the symposium which focused on the theme of the BIAB 'A Colourful World and a Shared Future.' I spoke about the relationship between my painting and the theme - having painted it specifically for the theme - and also about Man's connections with the environment as a caretaker. My underlying theme was Man's 'Oneness' with Nature and how nothing can exist without the other.

I presented my speech with both a PowerPoint of images of my exhibited painting and paintings I've exhibited in China, and also I spoke from my printed speech.

Unfortunately I am not able to upload videos to this site but a short video of my speech at the Beijing Biennale can be seen in my September 9th 2019 post on my ARTIST BLOG 'Diary of an Artist' (the link is in the blog section of this website). A friend kindly took a short video of my speech. What doesn't appear fully in the video or the photos are my paintings on the large screens which were actually very colourful.